Recently, there was a video being shared on social media of a man being seen squabbling with police officers and claiming he is being taken to Mount Carmel Hospital. Without going into the specifics of the case, the Alliance for Mental Health (also since the A4MH new little and had no information about) published a statement and wrote to the MH commissioner, police commissioner and the CEO of Mount Carmel Hospital to ascertain that the procedures required by the Mental Health Act were followed. This was done with the intention of informing the public on the correct procedure for involuntary hospitalization and precludes any scaremongering the shared video could cause among the general public. Unfortunately, the statement was taken by the media and depicted in a different context, which was not the intention of the Alliance 4 Mental Health. We are clarifying that for an involuntary admission there is a process, mandated by law, to protect the rights of every individual requiring hospital care within the Mental Health Act. The A4MH asked the entities charged with overseeing the process to remain vigilant and to investigate accordingly when questions are raised about the process and to reassure the public that the system is working as it should.
To view press release click here