Online Services- For Companies

Online Interactive Sessions

The online interactive sessions focus on the different aspects of mental health. Sessions can be 1 to 2 hours long and can be delivered for a group of maximum 25 people. For more information contact us on or by pressing the Get in Touch button below.

Sessions for Employees

  • Adjusting to Change & Transitions
  • Anxiety at the Workplace
  • Depression at the Workplace
  • Emotional Strengths Workout
  • Good Mental Health for All
  • Healthy You: Taking Care of your Whole Self
  • Parenting while Working Remotely
  • Resilience in the Face of Adversity
  • Responsible Video Gaming & Addiction
  • Stress Management
  • Standard MHFA Refresher Courses

Sessions for Employees Facing Customers & Clients

  • Continuous Support to our Clients & Customers
  • Dealing with Challenging Clients
  • Suicide Support Training

Sessions for Managers & HR Professionals

  • Redefining Work-Life Balance
  • The Resilient Team
  • Managing Employees’ Well-Being during Adversity
  • Managing Workplace Bullying
  • Mental Health First Aid for Engaging Leaders

Online Materials and Resources

  • Mental Health First Aid Tips Posters
  • MHFA Guidelines: Communicating with Adolescents during COVID-19
  • Self-Care in Quarantine tips
  • Work from Home leaflet