A Panic Attack is a distinct episode of high anxiety, with fear or discomfort, which develops abruptly and reaches its peak within 10 minutes. The symptoms of a panic attack often resemble the symptoms of a heart attack or other medical problems. It is not possible to be entirelycertain that a person is in fact experiencing a panic attack. Only a medical professional can tell if it is something more serious.
During a panic attack, several of the following symptoms are present:
- palpitations, pounding heart or rapid heart rate
- sweating
- trembling and shaking
- shortness of breath, sensations of choking or smothering
- chest pain or discomfort
- abdominal distress or nausea
- dizziness, light-headedness, feeling faint or unsteady
- feelings of unreality or being detached from oneself
- fears of losing control or losing one’s mind
- fears of dying
- numbness or tingling and
- chills or hot flushes
If you or someone you know are experiencing any of these symptoms, speak to a mental health professional. Our professionals are available to help you 24/7.
Dan huwa episodju distint ta’ ansjetà għolja, mimli biża’ jew skumdità, li jiżviluppa f’daqqa u jilħaq il-quċċata f’temp ta’ 10 minuti. Is-sintomi ta’ attakk ta’ paniku xi kultant jixbħu s-sintomi ta’ attakk tal-qalb jew problema medika oħra. M’huwiex possibbli li tkun ċert kompletamentli persuna qed ikollha attakk ta’ paniku. Professjonist mediku biss jista’ jgħid jekk tistax tkun xi ħaġa iktar serja. Waqt l-attakk ta’ paniku, diversi sintomi minn dawn li ġejjin ikunu preżenti:
- Palpitazzjonijiet, qalb tħabbat iktar mis-soltu jew rata tal-qalb mgħaġġla
- Ixoqq l-għaraq għall-persuna
- Rogħda
- Nuqqas ta’ nifs, sensazzjonijiet li wieħed qed jifga jew xi ħadd qed jifggħu
- Uġigħ fis-sider jew skumdità
- Abdominal distress jew nawsja
- Sturdament, ħass ħażin jew sensazzjoni li wieħed ma jħossux sod fuq saqajh
- Sensazzjonijiet ta’ nuqqas ta’ realtà jew li wieħed iħossu detached minnu nnifsu
- Biża’li wieħed jitlef il-kontroll
- Biża’mill-mewt
- Nuqqas ta’ sensazzjoni jew tnemnim
- Degħxiet tal-bard jew fwawar
Jekk int jew xi ħadd li taf qed tesperjenzaw xi wħud minn dawn is-sintomi, kellem professjonist. Il-professjonisti tagħna qegħdin hawnhekk 24/7 biex jgħinuk.