Cognitive Behavioural Therapy is based on the concept that thoughts, feelings, physical sensations and actions are interlinked, and that negative thoughts and feelings can trap the person in a vicious cycle. CBT helps the individual to deal with problems in a more positive way by breaking them down into smaller parts. The person is shown how to change these negative patterns into more positive ones to improve the way they feel. CBT deals with the current problems of the individual and helps the person to improve their state of mind through practical ways that they face daily.


Din hija bbażata fuq il-kunċett li l-ħsibijiet, l-emozzjonijiet, is-sensazzjonijiet fiżiċi, u l-azzjonijiet tagħna huma konnessi, u li ħsibijiet u emozzjonijiet negattivi jistgħu iżommu persuna f’ ċiklu vizzjuz. CBT jgħin lill-persuna taffaċċja l-problemi b’mod aktar pożittiv billi taqsamhom f’partijiet iżgħar. Wieħed jitgħallem idawwar rutini negattivi f’oħrajn pożittivi biex iħossu aħjar. CBT tiffoka fuq problem kurrenti u tgħin lill-persuna ttejjeb l-istat mentali tagħha b’modi prattiċi.